Green Capes School Calendar Fundraising Program - banner

Our Lady Of Lourdes Christian Elementary School

Dog Guide Puppy Calendar Fundraiser

Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School’s Fundraising Portal!

We are excited to share this opportunity with you to support our school and enhance the experience of our students. Your contributions make a significant impact.

This fundraiser aims to provide much-needed technology resources for our classrooms.  By participating in this fundraiser, you are helping us create a better learning environment and more enriching experiences for our students. Every dollar raised goes to initiatives that support their growth, education, and well-being.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to our school’s success!  Together, we can achieve great things!

All puppies in the calendar are future service dogs.  

Our Calendar Partner: Green Capes Lions Club

Calendars make great gifts. 

Your family and friends will love the Calendar and will be happy to know their gift benefits our students and also helps a disabled Canadian receive a service dog at no cost.


If your calendar will be picked up by a student please fill their name in on the checkout form.

Delivery: Calendars can be picked up at the school or will be sent home with students in December.   We will send details once all orders have been received.

Deadline:   November 30.

Thank You for Your Support!

For more information, please contact Carly Zeeman at ololbookkeeper @