Green Capes School Calendar Fundraising Program - banner

Your School Name

Dog Guide Puppy Calendar Fundraiser

Your School’s personal message with information about your fundraiser.  For example: We are thrilled to partner with Green Capes to have the opportunity to sell calendars to support our program. Our decision was made because we support initiatives that endeavour to allow everyone to live supported and full lives.

The money from this fundraiser will help us take students on field trips throughout the year and will help fund the breakfast program.

The text below is also included – you don’t need to add this part.

All puppies in the calendar are future service dogs.  

Our Calendar Partner: Green Capes Lions Club

Calendars make great gifts. 

Your family and friends will love the Calendar and will be happy to know their gift benefits our students and also helps a disabled Canadian receive a service dog at no cost.


If your calendar will be picked up by a student please fill their name in on the checkout form.

Delivery: Calendars can be picked up at the school or will be sent home with students in December.   We will send details once all orders have been received.

Program Deadline:

Thank You for Your Support!

You can include school contact information here if you like. Email or call 333-3333